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Erin Perkins: Writer and Voice of Helium

Eun-Ha Paek (MilkyElephant): Director, Artist and Animator

James Bewley: Voice of Strindberg

Milky Elephant (Episodes 1-5) and Killing my Lobster (Episodes 1-4): Producers

Craig Helmholz: Sound engineer and sound effects (Episodes 1-4)
Heather Perkins/Waterdog Studio: Sound effects (Episode 5)
Suzanne Goldish: Sound engineer for helium (Episode 5)
Paul Hollman: Sound engineer for Strindberg (Episode 5)

Based on an idea by Erin Perkins, James Bewley and Brian Perkins


Dialogue containing lines from "Inferno" by August Strindberg,
translated by Mary Sandbach, and published by Hutchinson,
are used by permission of the Random House Group Ltd.

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